Nimera Develpment Update: April

3 min readMay 11, 2021


This dev report provides a closer look at what updates and bug fixes the Nimera team was working on this April.

Nimera Blockchain




  • Redesigned the “Edit orders” widget.
  • Added the “Save” button to the TradingView charts.
  • Phone number is no longer required to pass the Tier 2 KYC.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug with the ticker name being in the wallet entering line when depositing a currency.

Nimera Swap


  • Fixed the bug with displaying an incorrect “Estimated” value when using the “Max” button.

Channels (iOS)


  • Added option to select a message. Using an appearing menu you can reply, forward, copy, delete the selected message. You can also view the additional info about the message and save it to “My Notes”.
  • Added “My Notes” chat, which is essentially your private chat with yourself. There you can save notes, messages, and other info that needs additional layers of protection.
  • Added “Share contact” feature. You can now share your contacts with your friends in chats.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the bug which occurred when withdrawing all the funds from the wallet.
  • Fixed the bug with the “Add wallet” button displaying incorrectly in the Russian language.
  • Fixed the bug with QR-code colored coin transactions working incorrectly if sent through the wallet interface.
  • Removed the beginning chat interaction buttons for “KYC Bot” and “Financial Bot”.
  • Fixed the bug with the missing message window in the “Support” chat.
  • Fixed the bug with the transfer address not being confirmed if entered manually.
  • Fixed a bug with the original transfer address being sent instead of a deep link when requesting the currency through the EON-ID tab.
  • Fixed the bug with the QR-code to receive funds not being detected.
  • Fixed the bug with the DOT wallet address not displaying.
  • Fixed the bug with the personal data not updating in real-time.
  • Fixed the bug with the developer tool icon appearing on the starting screen.
  • Fixed the bug with the wrong currency appearing when the deposit screen is requested through the wallet tab.
  • Fixed the bug with the displayed number of deposits being incorrect.
  • Fixed the bug with the profile picture not saving after an upload.
  • Fixed the bug with an error appearing after multiple clicks on the empty interface.
  • Fixed the bug with the sound not working in the iOS to Android calls.
  • Fixed the bug with several UI elements not translating without an app reboot.
  • Fixed the bug with the function bar displaying incorrectly in the “Wallets” tab which occurred in the first session on the freshly registered account.
  • Fixed the bug with the registration flow working incorrectly after a few failed tries to restore the account from backup.
  • Fixed the bug with the transaction list scroll working incorrectly on iPhone X.
  • Fixed the bug with the “Receive” and “Exchange transactions” buttons transferring to the “Exchange” screen instead of the corresponding screens.




One ecosystem to manage all things crypto. | Nimera Swap | Multibroker | Channels Wallet | Crypto Acquiring | Powered by multi-core Nimera Blockchain |