More Trading cryptocurrencies has become a very profitable undertaking recently. Trading volumes have skyrocketed and continue to rise.
With bigger volumes the market is becoming more and more professional increasing demand for professional instruments. Here at Exscudo we know this and are developing trading systems that will suit everyone: from amateurs to experienced traders.
Our Exscudo Exchange features an easy-to-use interface, trading access from various devices, and advanced trading instruments for those who want to master their trading skills.
Today we are excited to present features that we have been working on in Exscudo!
Exscudo Exchange will feature:
- Market orders;
- Limit orders;
- Stop orders;
- Trailing Stop orders;
- Contingent orders;
- Trailing ATR orders (average true range);
- If/Then orders;
- If/Then OCO orders (one cancels other);
- Expiration Orders (At Opening, Close or GTC- “good till canceled”);
- Price Alert messages;
- Order Alert activators.
Coming Soon! New functions will be added to the Exscudo Exchange:
- Full provision trading;
- Margin trading;
- Futures trading;
- Options trading;
- Settlement contracts.
We, the Exscudo team, strive to create a full-fledged exchange for the crypto community and we are sure our investors and traders will be very pleased.
If you would like to take advantage of all of these great features and tools AND want to trade with ZERO commission daily on the Exscudo Exchange FOREVER, then hurry to take part in our ICO!
The sum you invest becomes your daily zero-commission volume.
Our ZERO commission offer is limited and only available to investors who participate in the Exscudo ICO.
Join our ICO: